To APP? or not to APP?

By 2023, mobile apps could generate over $935 billion in revenue.

Mobile app development has seen a shift in recent years. What started as a novelty. It’s now essential for some businesses, like McDonald’s. Are you one of the Companies that want to create apps? Sure, leveraging mobile apps can increase customer interactions with your business, customer loyalty, direct marketing to your customers or provide employees New tools to improve their efficiency. Mobile apps are Creating opportunities of new revenue streams.

You’ll want to consider a few important things that’ll help you determine whether to create a business app or NOT (is a mobile Friendly site may be enough, what does that mean). 
1. Create a business strategy. 
2. Higher app developer or in house development. 
3. Budgeting and planning. 
4. Development of the application itself
5. Marketing
6. Support maintenance. 

While following a road map for creating a successful app for a business You have to remember. There are over 8 Million apps available right now through the app stores on Google, Apple, Amazon, etc.#1 reason people uninstall apps is because they aren’t in use. While apps sometimes are abandoned by their developers. Sometimes it doesn’t offer much for the consumer. It’s too business oriented. So you have to understand partially conducting research for your niche market for your business.

Understanding what your audience is actually doing can unlock the difference between a mobile app that completely misses the mark and one that’s wildly successful.

We’re NOT your typical agency to hand you off or outsource YOUR business, we even offer FREE TOOLS that you can use, but if you want help or would like to explore additional services Book a Meeting or Call 760-542-8706 @we’ll work with you! EC Marketing For ALL LLC Your Full Service Marketing, Advertising Digital Agency A Team That Will Help Your Business Thrive We love helping business owners thrive in business in these unprecedented times.


Anchor : App Development Companies

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